
In light of recent tragic events, a lot of my time recently has been spent thinking about these tragedies and which direction our world is going. The events in Paris were barbaric, horrendous acts against humanity, but we mustn’t forget that this happens everyday in countries all over the world. On Friday 13th November, Paris was attacked. However the media has a tendency to gravitate towards issues which only affect our western, white countries. Recently, the people of Beirut, Baghdad and Mexico suffered horrifying attacks while Japan endured an earthquake which triggered a tsunami. Not to mention the everyday sufferings of Syria, Palestine and various African countries. While all of this is happening, I sometimes like to reflect on the positive, rather than the negatives which in the end, is the only thing we have.

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Arc de Triomphe

When I visited Paris, two weeks before the attacks, I realized how much of a beautiful city it is and it breaks my heart to know that the lives of Parisians and many others have been trampled on by brutal terrorists. In such a mesmerizing city, it’s hard to imagine what such inhumane things could happen. I would like to admire Paris for what it is, rather than dwelling on such acts of terrorism, which quite frankly, has no religion.

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View from the Eiffel Tower

During my time in Paris and as we were driving round the city, I couldn’t help but notice that everywhere you look, there seemed to be a beautiful building. The architecture and history of Paris is truly astonishing. The views all round were stunning, the people were friendly and the atmosphere gave you a buzz.


Eiffel Tower

Sure, people will be afraid to visit Paris, or any other major city for that matter. School trips and family vacations have been cancelled, civilians will now be restricting themselves, as I’ve heard people quote “in case we get bombed.” This is no way to live in 2015. War is simply an endless cycle that will unfortunately keep happening until the end of time. However, we mustn’t let ourselves be afraid of leaving our homes. We cannot live in fear and we cannot let the terrorists win. I know this blog post will do absolutely nothing to end inhumanity or war, but spreading positivity is a key aspect in what humanity is all about, and hopefully, mankind will learn to live in harmony.

“Love is the only force capable of transforming an enemy into friend.” – Martin Luther King, Jr

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