
Aloha, so last weekend I went to London for Meg, one of my pal’s, 18th with 2 others. The whole trip was supposed to be a surprise for her but that was just impossible. We planned a West End show for the first night so we kept that a surprise instead. It was one of the best weekends I’ve had in a long time, probably the most drunken too but I won’t go there…


Wicked, Apollo Victoria Theatre



On the Friday night we went to see Wicked, I really didn’t know what to expect. My best friend, Jack, is literally obsessed with it and in all honesty I’ve never really been a “musical” person. Don’t get me wrong I love the occasional Mamma Mia song and The Rocky Horror Picture show is my absolute favourite so that sort of gives you an insight, I guess. But I enjoyed Wicked way more than I thought I would; I literally had no idea what the story was about, I just knew it had something to do with The Wizard of Oz (which is a childhood treasure) and I was pretty much blown away to say the least. Even if you’re not really a musical person like me, I guarantee you will enjoy this show, especially if you like The Wizard of Oz! I laughed and even had a little cry at the end. 100% recommend if you get the chance. I just don’t recommend not taking a pair of flats if you’re wearing heels.


Street Feast, Dalston Yard

The Saturday was probably my favourite day; some of Meg’s mom’s friends came down for another surprise, they were such lovely people and we had a great day/night with them. Don’t remember seeing them sober though. Two of them lived in London, near Hackney; they took us to Dalston Street Feast on the evening and it had the BEST food ever. I had the most perfect grilled cheese in the world, they also did pretty good cocktails *shifty eyes emoji.* I think we got back to our hotel in the early hours with everyone and I had even more cocktails, Cosmopolitan, my favourite (just call me Carrie Bradshaw.) However, Jack and Reanne thought it would be funny to run from me and Meg back to the hotel room – lets just say we were in the state of mind to not realise what was happening – so we were locked out from our room for about half an hour, banging on the wrong door shouting “let us in you pricks” and “we can hear you moving around so don’t even try it” (sorry to the people we interrupted), finally resorting to laying down in the corridor until they let us in. Hilarious.



The last day, Sunday, was pretty cool, did some extra shopping, went to Madame Tussauds, met Kim and Kanye as you do, had some lunch and missed our train. All in a good day’s work. But seriously, Madame Tussauds was pretty freaky. They’re so lifelike, the Russell Brand one was the worst. But hey, you can’t see a wax work of Russell and not have a selfie with him, right? We then went for some lunch and a Prosecco, whilst casually seeing Chris Moyles at the bar, nice. Anyway, our train was leaving Euston for 7:30, our food literally arrived at 7:00 and I’d never been so hungry in my entire life, like, I was in physical pain, the type of pain only a Sunday roast could cure. We ended up getting the 8:20 train instead, and honestly I’d never felt so exhausted either. Also, we had sixth form and college the next day and getting up at 7am was definitely a struggle.


Madame Tussauds, London

Overall, I guess it was a pretty decent weekend. My old pals were there and I got to meet some lovely people too. London is one of my favourite cities in the world, only you would sort of need to be rich as heck to live there and actually enjoy yourself *crying face.* I would definitely recommend all the things we spent doing over the weekend, with pretty cocktails and amazing food included.