17 Things I Learned While Being 17

I guess this is sort of my first “proper post” so I thought I’d just spare a few moments to share with you what the past year has been like for me, as I’ll be turning 18 soon. I feel like people can grow in such a short amount of time, it’s actually scary sometimes. I’ll be going through my TimeHop and I cringe at things I’ve said perhaps 2 years ago, even a year ago! Which makes me think that I’ll probably be cringing a year from now…

  1. Consistency is key. Whether it’s revising for AS Levels or maintaining friendships, it’s important.
  2. The people who you thought were going to stay in your life, won’t, and the unlikeliest of people will be introduced. Never be afraid to say hello.
  3. It’s okay to be a feminist bitch.
  4. Do not be afraid to dream big, you have the whole world waiting for you in the new few years.
  5. Eliminate toxic people from your life, no matter what it takes.
  6. Waste money on Lush products. It’s totally okay, I promise.
  7. Do not, however, waste your “me” time. It’s precious.
  8. It’s not a crime to fall for the wrong person, just unfortunate.
  9. It’s fine to make impulsive choices sometimes, small or big (I impulsively quit college after 3 days to go back and do my A Levels, I spontaneously ended up choosing A Level subjects without thoroughly thinking it through, but they ended up being the best choices for me. It’s not advisable as it doesn’t work for everyone, but there you go.)
  10. Take lots of photos of your friends.
  11. Never say no to an opportunity. (I’ve totally stepped out my comfort zone this year and I’m so much more confident.)
  12. Stay close with your family and treasure moments spent with them, especially grandparents.
  13. Stay humble.
  14. Getting into political debates is frustrating, but stimulating for the mind!
  15. Never let people get the better of you. Stay feisty. *shifty eyes emoji*
  16. Audrey Hepburn will always be your idol.
  17. Make the next year of your life the best so far. Cherish moments with your pals before you all go off to university, read lots of books, buy more Chanel. Grow. Grow some more.

Hello, world!

I feel as if it’s important to express yourself in as many ways as you can, after all, it shows your individuality and gives you freedom without fearing the judgement of others. This is to benefit myself, but also others; in ways of influence, enjoyment or perhaps advice. To begin with, there is not going to be a regular theme with this, as it’s beneficial to me, I’m going to post about things that interest me. Be it reviewing my favourite books and films, sharing moments of my life with friends, writing about life issues because, as we all know, it’s awfully tough being 17…

We’ll just see where this takes us.

Although, travelling is my main passion and if I could explore as a full time job I would do it. One of the many great things my mother has taught me, it’s that travel broadens the mind and that life is an adventure – live it. No doubt I’ll probably (will) post about my travels at some point. I feel that it’s an important factor in finding yourself, plus, why wouldn’t you want to be curious about your own planet we call Earth? As Einstein once said, he did not have any special talents, he was simply passionately curious. Exploring a new realm is truly cleansing for the soul.

Watching films, reading books and generally being interested in culture and society is another factor of what makes me, me. I am fascinated by recent historical eras, such as the 1920’s, the 1960’s and even the 1980’s. It is so interesting to see how society progresses in a relatively short space of time. I would wear anything from a 1950’s swing dress to covering myself in glitter and going to an 80’s themed party. I love literature and film which have, sort of cult followings such as Harry Potter, The Rocky Horror Picture Show and Pulp Fiction.

So, as you can see, this won’t be a blog which has a direct path. It’s pretty much going to be me rambling about things that interest me and which hopefully interest you to a degree. I do appreciate anyone viewing this blog!

Peace and Love x